Members - R1250 (Admin Fee and VAT Included)
Non-Members - R1750 (Admin Fee and VAT Included)
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Course in Sectional Title Living -
The Nuts and Bolts

Non-NAMA Member
NAMA Member
Community Scheme Member
NAMA Member - R1250
Non-NAMA Member - R1750
  1. *VAT inclusive

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All community scheme residents, including owners, trustees and tenants or anyone who is interested in learning more about Sectional Title.

  • Visit the NAMA Training page at and complete the online registration form for the course in Sectional Title Living Nuts and Bolts.
  • Make payment online PayFast or EFT.
  • NAMA will verify your registration.
  • Once verified, you will receive an email with a voucher code and a link to Enterprises University of Pretoria.
  • Click on the Enterprises University of Pretoria link, complete the form and insert your voucher code.
  • You will receive the course information and access to the online course from Enterprises University of Pretoria.
  • NAMA Members = R1250 (VAT Incl)
  • Non-NAMA Members = R1750 (VAT Incl)
  • No refunds will be permitted

All delegates who successfully complete the course will receive an attendance certificate issued by Enterprises University of Pretoria.

The course is a self-paced programme, it is 8 hours long and can be completed within a month. Delegates can start the course anytime, however, it must complete it by the end of the cycle (30 November 2024).

  • A computer and/or network which will allow you to view a webinar with the use of sound.
  • A modern browser: a recent version of Chrome, Firefox, Opera, or Internet Explorer browsers.
  • PC-based attendees: Windows 7 or newer with sound.
  • Mac-based attendees: Mac OS X 10.6 or newer.
  • Mobile attendees: iPhone, iPad, Android phone or Android tablet.
  • The training material will be made available in an electronic format once you have successfully registered at Enterprises University of Pretoria.

    The opinions expressed in this course are not necessarily those of NAMA.

    For further queries or more information, please send an email to

    General Information

    1. By the end of this short programme (by studying the manual and listening to the YouTube videos) a delegate should be able to:

    • Differentiate between full title and sectional title ownership;
    • Describe a sectional plan and explain what the sectional plan is useful for;
    • Describe a section and where the floor area of a section is delineated;
    • Describe what is meant by the median line when referring to a section and common property;
    • Differentiate between a unit and a section;
    • Describe what common property is;
    • Describe the participation quota;
    • Describe the location of the registered participation quota calculations for a scheme;
    • Explain what an exclusive use area is;
    • Explain what a body corporate is and how it is established;
    • Explain who the members of the body corporate are;
    • Explain that bodies corporate are legal entities;
    • List the functions of a body corporate;
    • Explain how the administrative fund is determined;
    • Explain what the reserve fund is and how it is determined;
    • Explain how levy contributions are determined;
    • List and discuss the powers of a body corporate;
    • Explain how the body corporate can appoint a managing agent;
    • Describe what needs to be done to hold a meeting of the body corporate, the different notice periods required, and when shorter notice is acceptable and lawful;
    • Describe what a proxy is and what limitations there are on proxies;
    • Describe how voting at a general meeting is controlled;
    • List and discuss the different resolutions that can be taken at a general meeting of the body corporate, and explain what resolutions are required for a variety of motions that the body corporate would like to pass;
    • Discuss the duties of the sectional owners in a body corporate;
    • Explain how sectional owners are to be notified of meetings;
    • Tell the difference between an annual general meeting (AGM) and a special general meeting (SGM);
    • Explain the quorum requirements for a general meeting to be lawfully established;
    • Describe the role of the trustee and what the requirements are to hold office;
    • Explain when a trustee ceases to hold office;
    • Discuss how a trustee is validly nominated, and elected;
    • Explain the powers and duties of trustees;
    • Describe what happens in the event of a vacancy on the board of trustees;
    • Explain the quorum requirements for a trustee meeting;
    • Explain how voting at a trustee meeting works and how decisions can be made by trustees on behalf of the body corporate;
    • Explain the requirements for trustees to get remunerated;
    • Discuss how a Chairperson is elected;
    • Describe the role of the Chairperson at general meetings and trustees’ meetings, and their functions and powers;
    • Explain the role of the Managing Agent, especially at a general meeting;
    • Differentiate between a Managing Agent and an Executive Managing Agent;
    • Explain the role of the Managing Agent in respect of financial, physical and administrative management;
    • Explain the role of an Administrator;
    • Describe when an Administrator can be appointed and by whom;
    • Explain the powers and duties of the Administrator;
    • Describe the difference between the conduct rules and the management rules of the body corporate;
    • Explain how the conduct rules and the management rules can be updated and mention who the custodian and certifier of the rules are. Describe what provisions are still contained in the Sectional Titles Act 95 of 1986 (“STA”);
    • Describe what provisions are contained in the Sectional Titles Schemes Management Act 8 of 2011 (“STSMA”);
    • Explain the interplay between the STA, the STSMA and the Community Schemes Ombud Service Act 9 of 2011 (“CSOS Act”);
    • Identify all Annexures to the STSMA and the CSOS Act and explain their purpose;
    • Demonstrate an understanding of the formation of a sectional title scheme;
    • Critically analyse what the developer must report on at the first general meeting;
    • Analyse the requirements for a 10-year maintenance, repair and replacement plan;
    • Determine the different types of sectional title insurance which are prescribed;
    • Explain how the body corporate must take out insurance which is not prescribed;
    • Critically analyse the purpose of the different types of levies and how they are raised;
    • Demonstrate an understanding of the levy collection process;
    • Demonstrate an understanding of the ways in which a Management Agreement can be terminated;
    • Engage with the practical step-by-step guide to appointing an Administrator.
    To follow.